When was Makar Sankranti in 2009? - When-Is.com
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When was Makar Sankranti in 2009?

Makar Sankranti in 2009 was on Wednesday, the 14th of January (14/1/2009).

How are Makar Sankranti dates determined?

Makara Sankranti (also apelled Makar Sakranti or Sankranthi) is a mid-winter Hindu festival of India and Nepal. The festival is celebrated to mark the transition of the Sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn during the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere (or the beginning of Uttarayana).

The famous Kumbh Mela is also held on Makar Sankranti every 12 years. Hindus gather in large numbers to take a holy dip at Ganga Sagar on this day every year.

Dates of Makar Sankranti by year

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Other Hindu Holidays in 2009:

Monthly World Holiday Calendars
