When is Ashura in 2028?
Ashura in 2028 is on Saturday, the 3rd of June (3/6/2028).
When will Ashura celebrations begin in 2028?
Although Ashura is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, since the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This difference means Ashura moves in the Gregorian calendar approximately 11 days every year. The date of Ashura may also vary from country to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not.
The dates provided here are based on the dates adopted by the Fiqh Council of North America for the celebration of Ashura. Note that these dates are based on astronomical calculations to affirm each date, and not on the actual sighting of the moon with the naked eyes. This approach is accepted by many, but is still being hotly debated.
Dates of Ashura by year
- When was Ashura in 2006?
- When was Ashura in 2007?
- When was Ashura in 2008?
- When was Ashura in 2009?
- When was Ashura in 2010?
- When was Ashura in 2011?
- When was Ashura in 2012?
- When was Ashura in 2013?
- When was Ashura in 2014?
- When was Ashura in 2015?
- When was Ashura in 2016?
- When was Ashura in 2017?
- When was Ashura in 2018?
- When was Ashura in 2019?
- When was Ashura in 2020?
- When was Ashura in 2021?
- When was Ashura in 2022?
- When was Ashura in 2023?
- When was Ashura in 2024?
- When is Ashura in 2025?
- When is Ashura in 2026?
- When is Ashura in 2027?
- When is Ashura in 2028?
- When is Ashura in 2029?
- When is Ashura in 2030?
Additional services:
- Book your hotel for your Ashura travel plans!
Other Muslim Holidays in 2028:
Monthly World Holiday Calendars
- Calendar for January 2028
- Calendar for February 2028
- Calendar for March 2028
- Calendar for April 2028
- Calendar for May 2028
- Calendar for June 2028
- Calendar for July 2028
- Calendar for August 2028
- Calendar for September 2028
- Calendar for October 2028
- Calendar for November 2028
- Calendar for December 2028